Niasziih Healing Clinic - Ithaca
Niasziih Healing Clinic - Ithaca
NIASZIIH (Ni-a-zee-EYE) translates as “Vessel of Healing.”
It is a nature-based healing modality that works with your vessel.
Together, we bring awareness and deep contact to those places in yourself that need healing.
Click HERE to fill out your Client Intake Form
We work with clients who have conditions such as cancer, autoimmune, heart disease, or anxiety, depression, grief, as well as those who simply desire support to help them on their life journey. Together we will work with you to create a place where new possibilities arise!
In the 1hr-long sessions offered, two or more healers work with each client to address both the limitations and the gifts that arise from your wounds, while moving towards more peace, love, joy, and purpose.
Join us for a Healing Session…. and discover new possibilities found within your own being!
This clinic will be held on November 17th
Available time slots for a healing session:
Each hour-long session is offered on a sliding scale basis:
$50-150, as you are able
~ we ask for a $20 deposit to reserve your spot. The rest of your payment can be made the day of your healing session ~
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